The Stars In Our Lives: The Positive Impact of Celebrities on Today's Youth
Celebrities are of great importance to us, and play a major role in shaping our lives. All around us, celebrities are everywhere. Many provide us with entertainment, while others are part of the government. Some are dictators, while many others are peacebringers. Despite their position, we have always been fascinated by them, and many people are even obsessed with these stars. Most people, preferably teenagers, are involved with the celebrities providing the public with entertainment. Take Collin Palmer, a high school sophomore, for example: “We teengagers are passionate -maybe even obsessed- about our favorite stars, but that doesn’t make it a big problem and it doesn’t mean we want to copy their bad behaviors.” he says. There are various celebrities in our society which act as a perfect example for many to follow. Liking famous people like these should help us to live a more beneficial life, proving that most celebrities positively impact us and our society.
As previously stated, celebrities working in the entertainment business have a greater influence on today’s youth, rather than celebrities known to be in other fields. As a result, these dominating stars are more likely to impact kids and teens. This is a good thing, because the kids/teens will have a worthy role model and will most likely grow up to be decent, responsible adults. “Celebrities who promote ethical behavior and make responsible personal decisions can have a positive effect on teenagers. Some promote social justice and participate in relief efforts when disasters strike. As long as a teenager doesn't develop an unhealthy obsession with a celebrity or experience delusions of grandeur -- expecting to live like a celebrity -- an interest in movie stars or famous athletes could have some advantages.” says Kristine Tucker from Children also feel encouraged to do a certain thing or act a certain way if their favorite celebrity is there. In fact, most toddlers will watch an educational television show or eat a healthy food if they have their favorite famous person on it. The only exception to the positive influence celebrities have on our society, would be if the youth excessively followed the celebrity. In this case, the celebrity would be having a negative effect on the person, because obsessing over somebody would impair our capacity towards other things, such as academics, extra-curricular activities, and family-time. However, if you do not get unhealthily obsessed, having celebrities as role models is a fine idea.
Celebrities also have a positive impact on us when they promote education and cultural awareness. In fact, many celebrities who have reached higher levels of education and have made good changes or discoveries in the world, often showcase their intellectual skills. When children and teens look to their favorite celebrities and see that they had a full education, it helps to teach the youngsters that staying in school is important. “Truth heals, and the truth is that celebrities, as much fun as our fantasies of them may be, can actually serve a purpose in our lives.” -Deborah King. Most celebrities set a good example by going to school and supporting organizations promoting academics and providing needy people with an education. They teach that not only looks but brains count as well, in making a proper human being.
Most celebrities also promote a positive self image, help create extroverted personalities in teens, and help teenagers with self esteem issues. They try to explain to fans to be happy with what they’ve got. “Instead of looking in the mirror and focusing on your flaws, look in the mirror and appreciate your best features… everyone has them.” says actress, singer, and songwriter Demi Lovato. A lot of songs by motivational singers and songwriters have inspirational and supportive lyrics as well. “I know you think you’re fat, but I’m here to tell you: Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top.” -All About That Bass by Meghan Trainor. Fans feel much more positive and confident about how they look by these type of song lyrics.
Celebrities have a positive effect on us and our society. They help us to lead beneficial lives with confidence and smarts. Although not all celebrities act appropriately and set good examples for us to follow, if you choose the right celebrities, you will gain from them, as most celebrities are exemplar. Most teenagers look up to celebrities and follow in their footsteps. After all, as someone once said, “It only takes one, to show the world to the others.”
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