Texting: The Main Problem of Our Society
Do you text? Do you use words like ROFL, LOL, and alright while texting? Many believe that texting is ruining our development of the English language. (Alright is not even a word, it is actually all right.) Because they are used to writing abbreviations in texts, many people are using words like alright in their writing. Whom does this affect the most? Students. Students who are using these words to text with might get used to writing their essays in this "text language". This could land the students with bad grades. What's the solution? You can text as much as you want, but you have to keep the abbreviations under control. You shouldn't say things like: "Srry can't come 2nite", when you have the time to write out: "Sorry, I can't come tonight".
Some Abbreviations in Text Language
Some Abbreviations in Text Language
- LOL= laugh out loud
- ROFL= rolling on the floor laughing
- BRB= be right back
- BFF= best friend forever
- 24/7= all the time
- TMI= too much information
- and many more abbreviations...
That is why I don't respond to messages and emails which use these abbreviations and shortcuts...