Top 5: Best iPhone Apps Ever

Have you been wondering which app to get? Well have no fear, the list of apps is HERE!!! (the apps are listed in no specific order)

1) Google Translate: This is a great app if you are traveling. It is also fun to see how you say certain phrases in different languages. This is a very education and fun app that I would highly recommend.

2) Notability: This is a great note-taking app in which you can just doodle for fun or take notes or even write stories on! It works great with a stylus or with just your finger.

3) Quick Math: This has to be my most favorite app ever! Made for adults and children alike, this is a great app which offers a rich learning experience. You have a certain amount of math problems to solve and you may take your time. It tracks your progress in the form of a chart as you go on, telling you if you are improving or not. There are four different levels- Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Extreme.

4) Draw Something: This is a drawing game you can play with your friends. You draw one of the things the screen says, and your opponent has to guess them. If they guess correctly, your opponent and you both win a certain amount of coins. The game goes on like this. As you get more coins, you may buy more colors to paint with. This is a really fun game which people of all ages can enjoy.

5) Google Earth: This is an amazing app in which you literally have the whole Earth in your phone. You have a model of the earth on your phone, in which you can zoom in and out and move around. You can even locate yourself on the Earth! I would definitely recommend this app.


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