Top 5: Favorite Apps 2016! + 7k FOLLOWERS!!!

Thank you so much for 7k!!! It means so much to me! It's been a while since I've done one of these. So why not?! :)

These apps are all free to download, but payments may be required in some of them later on.

1) Freegal Music: Literally, FREE MUSIC. For having a library card! How cool is that? All you need to do is download the app (of course) select your library and sign in with your library card number/pin. This is a completely free, legal, and safe app, and it is made by the libraries. You get five free song/music video downloads per week. These are all NEW songs! On my Samsung phone, the songs get automatically transferred to my phone's music library. You just need to have a library card.

2) Sweet Talk by Juicy Fruit: Yes, the bubble gum company. This is just a silly and fun app which you can play around with with your friends. You select a video and hold the phone up to your mouth. The video will start to play and a mouth will be depicted saying something while usually chewing gum. It's really hard to explain; just get the app and see for yourself! Trust me, it's pretty fun. :D

3) Pacer: This is a pedometer app for your phone, if it already does not have one. This app not only tracks your steps (of course), but it also counts calories burnt and miles walked. With this app (and a little money) you can buy workout plans and select goals which are right and adjusted to your specific needs and demands. You can go solely on a fat-burning routine, or simply train to run for speed. This app also has many other handy features, such as a chart which determines how often you walk, the most active days for you, and it tracks your weight loss/gain. In total, I have lost 8 pounds since I have gotten this app. 

4) VSCO Cam: This is a great photo-editing app, especially if you have Instagram! It allows you to see what your feed will look like, especially if you are planning on creating a theme in your feed. You can not only add filters to your pictures, but you can also do many other things with this app, such as adding certain colors to the background/shadows, highlighting certain parts of pictures, etc. All in all, it can be declared that this is not your average photo-editing app.

5) PhotoLayers: I'm sorry that I keep on talking about photo-editing apps! Hmm, maybe in my next "Top 5" post, I can talk about photo-editing apps. Anyway, this app is one that I have recently downloaded, and it works like a charm! I have always loved the look of a photo on top on another, less opaque, one, and this app does it easily and perfectly! Just download it, you won't regret it. ;)


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