Lost Lunch Boxes.
(This story of mine won first prize in Hirsch Elementary)
Chapter 1
Theft of lunch boxes
The teacher and students in room 14 were worried and concerned. It started a few days back when Christy told her teacher about not having lunch that day. She told the teacher, “Mrs Alexander, I can't concentrate on my test. I did not have my lunch today. I could not find my lunch box. I don't know if somebody stole it or if my mom forgot to put it in my backpack.” “Probably your mom forgot to pack it”, said Mrs Alexander.
Next day three more students complained about missing lunch boxes. Christy too confirmed that her mom hadn't forgotten to pack her lunch the previous day. Everybody started discussing about missing lunch boxes.
Teacher said, “Tomorrow everybody write their names on their lunch boxes and give them to me in the morning. I shall put them on the top shelf so that the thief does not know where they are and if thief is a kid within the school, he or she will not be able to reach the top shelf”. “Sounds like a good idea”, said the kids.
Next day all lunch boxes were stacked on the top shelf. Kids were assured that lunch boxes are safe. They went out for recess. When kids came back after half an hour, everybody was surprised to see two lunch boxes on the floor with food missing from them. Teacher too was surprised because the door was locked and nobody could get in unless the thief had the keys to the room. “I think it is time to report these events to the Principal”, said Mrs Alexander.
Chapter 2
Assigning the case
Principal came to room 14 in the afternoon. “I think it is a matter of concern for the school”, said the Principal. “What should we do?”, asked Mrs Alexander. “We should have a guard in front of room 14”, suggested Bob. Teacher and Principal did not agree to this. “We can't have a guard forever and then the thief may start stealing from other rooms. So this is not a permanent solution to the problem”, said the Principal. Teacher agreed as well. “How about hiring a private detective to find the culprit?”, suggested another kid. “I don't think school would have that much money to spend on a private detective. We need to think something else”, Principal said.
There was a girl named Arista in room 14. She was smart and intelligent girl and had keen attention to detail in everything she did. “I think I can find who is behind these thefts”, Arista said raising her hand. Everybody looked at her. “What can you do?” exclaimed Mrs Alexander and the Principal. “I think I can look for the clues and I am sure I can crack it. I would need two helpers from the class room and I would do it during the recess”, said Arista. Mrs Alexander and Principal looked at each other. They were not sure if Arista can do it but looking at her confidence, Principal gave her the permission to investigate the case. She gave her a cellphone and told her to call Mrs Alexander if she needed any help during her investigation.
“Thanks”, said Arista. She then asked the kids if somebody wanted to volunteer to help her. Everybody wanted to help but Arista chose her friends Jamie and Rina since she trusted them.Now they had to think about a plan to catch the thief.
Chapter 3
Gathering clues
Next day Arista and her helpers Jamie and Rina got together and thought about a plan. “Let us a get a notebook and start writing down any clues we find”, said Arista. First question the team asked each other was why is the thief coming to room 14 only and not other rooms. Is it easier to steal from room 14? They walked around the campus to find answer to this question. Rina said,”Look room 14 is at the back of the building and is right next to the boundary wall. Nobody comes here during the break and nobody can see this room from the playground. It is easier for the thief to target room 14”. Arista and Jamie said,”You are right Rina. There are only two ways via which a person can come here. Either by jumping over the boundary wall or via the hallway. We need to keep an eye on who goes to room 14 during recess.”
They had a plan!
During the recess Arista would watch the way to room 14 from the playground using her binoculars and Jamie and Rina would try to see if anybody is hanging around room 14. They did not record any suspicious activity. After the recess again everybody was surprised. Lunch boxes were open and scattered on the floor with food missing from them. Arista and her team could not believe it. After the class they got together. Arista had captured all the details. After the school she got together with Rina and Jamie. “I think we have some clues and we can use them to catch the thief”, she said.
“I think first clue is that the thief comes by jumping over the wall and not through the hallway”, said Arista. “Yes and did you notice that only things missing from the lunch boxes is fruit” said Rina. “Looks like thief likes fruit but he is a messy eater. I found leftover bananas and apples near the boundary wall”, said Jamie.
Let us bring fake bananas with sticky glue and sound alarm in them. If somebody tries to peal it, it would stick to the hand it will make an alarm sound. Arista's dad was an engineer and he helped her make such fake bananas. Arista, Jamie and Rina put those Bananas in one of the lunch boxes and put the box on top of all boxes. As kids went for recess, they were all hoping that the thief is caught today.
Chapter 4
Thief is caught
As kids came back from the recess, Arista saw lunch boxes scattered all around and fake bananas missing. “Thief must be some where here”, she said. “Lets go out”, said Jamie and Rina. They could hear a beep beep sound coming from behind the boundary wall. “Teacher, teacher, thief is right behind the wall. I can hear the alarm”, will you please allow us go out?” said Arista. Mrs. Alexander allowed her and her team to go out but said she too will go with them. Behind the wall were trees and sound was coming from somewhere there. “It is coming from the top of that big tree” said Arista. They all looked up. They could not believe it. It was a monkey sitting on the tree with bananas stuck on his hands.
“Oh my! Was it the monkey?” They exclaimed. Case was solved. “Wait”,said Mrs Alexander,”If it was the monkey how did he get in the room with out the keys?”. Jamie came up with and explanation,”Teacher, it is quite possible he went in in through the window.”
Teacher called the Principal. Principal was happy to learn that Arista and her team has solved the mystery or missing lunch boxes.
“I am proud of you Arista, Jamie and Rina. You really solve the case in very short time” Said the Principal. Mrs Alexander too was very happy.“I think we should call animal control to take away this monkey so that it does not hurt somebody and doesn't steal food again”, said the Principal. Animal control was called and they took away the monkey who had escaped from the zoo. Monkey was returned to the zoo.
Arista, Jamie and Rina got an award from the Principal for solving the case.
Kashika, I am proud of you for getting first prize.
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