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The New iPhone
By: Kashika Bharol
The autumn had kicked in, and summer had ceased. Despite the drastic change in weather, Stacey never got tired of her grandma’s homemade popsicles. Everyday, Stacey would come home from George Washington Public School and lie down in her grandma’s lap as she read a book to her. After her illiterate grandma had finished listening to Stacey’s story, she would get up and make popsicles for Stacey and her to munch on. This was the only luxury the family of 2, in poverty, could have. One day, Stacey got home in a rage. She opened up the old, creaky wooden door and stomped in, slamming the door behind her.
Her grandma looked up from her knitting. “Why you so mad, child?”
Stacey sat down and stared at her grandma. Her grandma saw in Stacy's eyes that she was pleading for something. “Child, I could do the staring contest all day.”
Suddenly, Stacey burst into tears. “Oh, Grandma! Everybody at my school is so rich n’ pretty!”
Stacey’s grandmother just looked at Stacey with a small grin. “Child, I know that’s not it. In fact, those are the things I complain about! Tell me the truth.”
Stacey wiped her tears away. “Grandma, every girl in my school has an iPhone. I want one too! But we can’t afford it.”
“Well, maybe we can think of a way to raise money for your iPhone.”
“How are we going to do that?”
“Don’t worry too much, child. For now, take a nap. You must be tired.”
In the evening time, Stacey had her dinner with her grandmother and was enjoying a fresh popsicle. “Stacey, you better remember to go over to your aunt's house to hand her over some popsicles after dessert.” Stacey nodded and finished what was left of her popsicle.
She set off walking with a small grocery bag in her hand, which contained 5 popsicles. It was getting dark, and Stacey had to move fast. She decided to take a shortcut through the empty alley. The silence in the alley was deafening, and she was the only one in there. As she walked, she heard a soft whimper. A box was moving. Stacey picked up the box, in which there was a little puppy, who was so famished that he looked almost starved to death. She opened the grocery bag and took out a popsicle, putting it in the canine’s mouth. The puppy cheerfully at the popsicle and followed Stacey along to her aunt’s house.
“Why, hello Stacey! Are those popsicles for me?” Stacey’s aunt said as she opened the door.
“Yes, Aunt Martha.”
Marla looked down at the puppy. “And who is this?”
“Oh, just a little puppy. It followed me here.”
“Oh, well, alright. I’ll see you later. Bye!”
Stacey smiled and got off the porch. She looked at the puppy. “You really like me, don’t you! Well, I guess grandma will probably let me keep you, because you’re homeless.”
When Stacey got to her little house, she took a deep breath and opened the door. “Grandma? Can I keep this puppy? He’s homeless and-”
“You just picked up a dog off the street?!”
“Yes grandma, I mean no, I mean- listen! I found this puppy. He’s hungry and homeless and needs me! Please? I’ll take care of him!”
“Okay, okay. Fine. But you take care of him. You find the food and everything’ too. We sure don’t want another mouth to feed.”
“Yes, thank you so much, Grandma!” Stacey grinned from ear to ear.
She sat down with the puppy. “What should I name you? Oh well, I have to go to sleep. Tomorrow’s a school day!”
The next day when Stacey got home from school, she started pondering again about how to raise money for her new iPhone, while eating another popsicle. Then, a brilliant idea struck her. “Oh my gosh! I could sell these popsicles and raise money!” Stacey decided to put her plan to action the next day. She walked over to her grandma, who was in the kitchen making popsicles. “Grandma? I know what I am going to do to raise money to buy an iPhone!”
“What, child?”
“I’m going to sell popsicles to everybody in my school!”
“Well, that’s a great idea! How many will you need?”
“I am planning on selling about 20 each day for $3 each. That way, I’ll make $60 everyday! Pretty soon, I’ll get an iPhone!”
“Well, okay. I’ll see how many I can make.”
“Thank you so much, Grandma!”
Stacey got back to where her puppy was playing. “What can I name you? Now that I have some free time, I can think of a name! Hmm… What can it be? Cupcake? No, you’re a boy. Biscuit? Naw, that’s a very common name. Hey, how about Popsicle?” The puppy barked. Stacey laughed. “Yes, that’s unique, nice, and cute.”
The next day, Stacey’s grandmother had finished making twenty popsicles, and they were kept in a box in an insulated bag. Stacey took them to school and sold all of the popsicles to her friends and teachers. She got home from school and told her grandma about her success. “Well then, you’re going to get an iPhone!” Her grandmother exclaimed, happily. Stacey smiled and hugged her grandmother. “Grandma, I want you to make 20 more popsicles. I’m planning on selling them for the rest of the week.”
After four days of selling popsicles, Stacey had finally collected $240, just enough to buy the iPhone 4. It wasn’t one of the newer iPhones, but it was still enough for Stacey. Stacey joyfully purchased the iPhone with her hard-earned money and loving grandmother at her side.
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