3000+ Pageviews Challenge!!

Okay, so this news made me almost scream with delight. In less than 2 months, this blog has gotten almost 1000 more pageviews, which means that we are at almost 3000 PAGEVIEWS!!! So now, it's time for another challenge. The challenge is for you guys (the readers) to go on my blog a lot and get up to 3000+ pageviews, for a  SPECIAL POST! So get started, everybody! The clock is ticking! I will also try my best to post more often so you guys have more to read. Thanks!
P.S. Be sure to check out my newest blog: ajampost.blogspot.com  If you are on Animal Jam (animaljam.com), a virtual world game website, you're in luck! Here on the Animal Jam Post, I post tips, tricks, secrets, promo codes, and much more for the website. Be sure to check it out and comment and +1 for Google+ and Like for Twitter, and Facebook! :) Bye!


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