Special Post! (Celebration of 2000+ pageviews!)

Okay... so here's my special post, are you ready???

(It's kinda short, though)
                                                                 By: Kashika Bharol
     “We're going to Hawaii!” The more I heard those words, the more excited I got. Even saying those words made me feel extra stimulated about our summer vacation. I had planned everything. Everyday before summer vacation when I got home from school, I'd start packing my suitcase, and I'd even kept a journal of when we were going to be there. I had prepared everything.
     That night, when I lay in bed thinking about our trip on the day after tomorrow, I thought about Joanne, my best friend. I would have to leave her behind. She said she will not be going anywhere this summer, because her family could not afford it. Instead, not to ruin my excitement for the trip, I made a note in my mental journal, to buy a souvenir for Joanne. And just like that, I drifted off to sleep.
       The next day at school, during 3rd period, I slipped Joanne a note while our math teacher was facing the chalkboard. I passed it to Joanne as secretly as I could, because I didn't want my math teacher to find out. Finally, after much time, the note came back. Joanne couldn’t come. I was disappointed. I quietly tucked the note inside my math book, and sat up straight.                                                                                                  
      That night after dinner, I went up to my room to get all my traveling supplies down, so we could fit them in the trunk of our car tomorrow morning. After I brought my suitcase down, I went back upstairs and got to bed. I don't know when I fell asleep, but I think it was about 9:00. When I woke up, I was not in my bed. I was in my closet, and it looked like I flew there. I was on the top shelf, and couldn't get down.
       I stared at the ground horrifically. It was so down low! I could never get up this high on my own. It must be mom or dad who put me up here to trick me. “But why would they?” I asked myself. I had to find out, but first I had to get myself down. Just then, my bedroom door was opening. It must have been mom or dad, because they are the only ones who have the key to my room. I jumped down from my closet, and into my bed. The door opened. It was mom. “Time to wake up, honey! It's time to get dressed! Today's the big day!” She yelled. “Oh, mom? Hi. Anyway, how did I...” I stumbled. I didn't tell her what had happened. Seeing her enthusiasm for the trip, I didn't finish my sentence. Instead, I said, “I mean, okay mom. I'll get dressed, and meet you at the table for breakfast. Don't want to miss our big trip!” My mom smiled, and walked out the door. I couldn't let what happened this morning, ruin something I had been planning on for months! Especially not today! I got dressed, and went out the door of my room.
       I went downstairs, and sat down at the breakfast nook. I peered over the fruit bowl that was blocking my view of the living room. It was a mess. The clothes were scattered all over the fabric couch, my older sister, Brianna, had her make-up stuff scattered over the coffee table, and my younger brother, whose name is Max, had his toys scattered on the table that held the TV. But I was an essentially organized person. My room was completely neat. The bed was neatly laid out, the books were neatly stacked in my bookshelf, and my clothes were neatly hung on their hangers, in my closet. The only odd thing about my room, was the top shelf of my closet. It was all messed up. Everything was out of its place, there. But I had to get my mind off that. I quickly finished my breakfast, and went out the door with my suitcase, just about when my mom, brother, and sister were about to leave the apartment.
        The car outside was packed. There was no way I could get my suitcase to fit in there. I had  to strap it on top. I handed my suitcase to my dad, to put it on top of the car. We all managed to squeeze into the car, and off we went.
         In about 3 hours, we were at the airport. We parked our car, and got out of our seats. My
dad went to go get the dad went to go get the cart to put our luggage on. I jumped out of the car. “Nicole! Don't do that. You could get hurt.” my mom cried. I just nodded and followed my dad.
     The parking lot was pretty full. In fact, it was so full that if our car wasn't a bright yellow  convertible, I would've gotten lost. I finally found my dad who was near the elevators. He was talking to a tall man with circle-shaped glasses. He looked like a wizard, only without the cloak and wand. I said ”Daddy.” My dad ignored me. I tugged on his shirt. “Dad.” He didn't even look my way. “Dad!” I yelled. Although, I didn't mean to yell that loud. “What?!” He roared. I jerked away. With tears in my eyes, I said, “I was just going to say...” I didn't finish. I couldn't finish, with that other man staring at me. It was driving me crazy. It was like he was trying to talk to me with his eyes. But I quickly looked away. “D...Dad, I was just going to say that I want to carry my suitcase by myself,” I lied.

                  “Well then,” My dad said, “You don't have to come here and bother me while I'm talking.                                    
                   You could have told Mom, that.”

                   “But she was busy with Max.”
                   “Then what about Brianna?”

                   “She was busy texting her friends.”

                   “Well, can you go back to the car now, please?”

                   “Yes Dad.”
       I sadly walked toward our bright yellow car and sat down in my seat, when I realized that my mom, brother, and sister were getting out of the car. I hopped out of the car as well, and got my suitcase. “Come on, Buttercup!” My mom said. “Coming, Mom!” I said. When I got hold of my suitcase, I saw the wand was peeking out. Had someone opened it and tampered around with my wand? I tucked the wand back in, and entered the elevator with my family.
     When we reached the inside of the airport, the first thing I saw were the restaurants on the other side of a glass window separating the ticket and baggage counters from the stores and restaurants. My mom took all the baggage and brought it to a counter for them to store in the storage of the plane. My dad took the rest of us to the ticket counter, and showed the woman behind the counter our passports. She gave back the passports after studying them closely, and gave him our plane tickets. We all then  headed for our flight. First, we went through a scanner that I had to step into, to see if I had any weapons or anything illegal like that. I also had to place my suitcase down onto a machine which scanned my luggage. After my bag was out of the scanner, I opened the front pocket of my bag. Inside my bag, there was a note which was written in fancy writing. I didn't recall putting any note in there, but I read it anyway. It said:
                               Miss Nicole Reed, you are the chosen one to
                           become a wizard. But you must
                                  not tell anybody. Too
                       many people already know that wizards
                          are real. When your plane arrives in
                                Honolulu Airport, I will be
                    there, to give you instructions on what to do.
                 I will be wearing a black hat and a shirt as yellow
             as your car. You will be in training to become a wizard.
                   You mustn't tell anybody else the truth about
                              wizards and their existence.

           I couldn't believe it. I rushed to tell my mom, but then remembered what the note had said. I tucked it into my pocket, so I wouldn't lose it. I had so many questions and thoughts in my mind. How did the wizard know my name? How did the person know my car is yellow? How did the person know that my plane was going to land in Honolulu Airport?
                I waited for my mom and dad to finish going through the security check. My mind was bubbling with questions. Finally, my mom and dad were finished. While my mom and dad were putting on their coats and shoes, Brianna sat down and starting checking her phone for new messages.  “ They're not gonna let you use your phone on the plane.” I said, to my phone-addicted sister.
                 “Says who? Anyways, you also brought your iPod.” Brianna accused. She was not looking in the direction of her phone, anymore. She was glaring at me.
                 I ignored her snotty look and just told Mom and Dad to hurry up. Mom told me to look after Max. Not to be mean or anything, but Max was a 4-year old baby hippo in jeans and a t-shirt.
But he was chubby in a cute way. Mom always says that it's baby fat, so it will go away when he's older.
                  Mom and dad got up and told us to get moving. Our plane is going to leave in one hour, and we should get to our boarding station. Mom took Max and I took Dad's hand. I didn't want to get lost like I did one time in Wal-Mart.

When I was six, I went to Wal-Mart with Brianna, my mom and my dad because there was a huge sale for Christmas. There were so many people there, that I was getting confused which ones were my parents. I managed to stay with my family until I got to the toys' aisle. There was a new Barbie doll in the collection. I stopped to pick the doll up and then ask my parents if I could buy her. After I got the doll, I looked around. My parents and sister were nowhere to be seen. I shouted their names. “Brianna? Mom? Dad? Where are you?” I yelled. With tears stinging my eyes, I ran down each and every aisle, looking for them. Then, I did what any lost six-year-old would do. I sobbed and cried and kicked and yelled. I guess I must have alarmed someone, because in about 5 minutes, an employee came to me and asked where my parents were. I told him how I was looking at the doll, while Mom, Dad, and Brianna must have gone to another aisle. The employee took me to a register, where he said on the loudspeaker that if a girl named Nicole's parents and sister are looking for her, they should come to register 5. I was still crying, but only a little. After a while, my family came. My mom was crying and my dad looked worried. Even Brianna was crying. I hugged my dad and mom. I even hugged Brianna. Brianna hugged me tightest of all. She didn't glare at me or say rude things to me then. But now, she's much more mean.
                       When we arrived at our wait station, there were still 30 minutes left. I asked my mom if I could go to the coffee shop and get some chocolate milk.  After my mom agreed, I got out my wallet and headed for Starbucks. It was near the next wait station. Max tagged along. I got in line and asked for 2 small chocolate milk pouches. The clerk gave me 2 pouches of milk. I paid the clerk 5 dollars and 50 cents, then handed one pouch to Max. “This is for you, okay? Drink it all up.” “Okay, 'Cole.” Max said. He always calls me 'Cole. I took Max's other hand and walked over to our wait station. We slurped our drinks until they were finished. After I finished mine, I looked around. Mom was taking care of Max. Dad was on his laptop. Brianna was  texting her friends (as usual). I wanted to make sure that nobody was looking, when I got out my journal to write about the wand and the note.
                           Pretty soon, it was time to board the plane. I put my notebook away, and stood up. Dad led all of us to the entrance. The lady at the front checked our tickets, and off we went. I was in seat A13, which was a seat in the middle aisle. I was at the end, with Brianna in the middle and a little girl at the other end. “Ugh. I'm stuck with YOU.” Brianna exclaimed with disgust. I looked the other way. I didn't want to start a fight. Especially with that little girl beside us. She didn't look a year over 5. I didn't want her to hear us fighting. Instead, I got out my MP3 player, and listened to some music. I put on my favorite song, which I could listen to for hours, if I had the time.
                     The plane finally took off, and the little girl was asleep. Brianna was eating some peanuts the hostess gave her, and I was bored. I took out the note.

 “Whatcha got there?” Brianna commented.

 “Since when have you started paying attention to me?” I questioned.

 “Since I got bored of eating peanuts. Man, I wish this plane had a TV.” Brianna muttered. I put away my note. I sure didn't want Brianna to start getting suspicious.

                              When we got off the plane at Honolulu Airport, it was night. We went to the luggage drop-off, to get our luggage. After we got our things, we walked over to the taxi station. There were a lot of people there, so I didn't know which one was the wizard guy who gave me the note. Just then, I remembered what the note had said. The note read that the guy will be wearing a black hat, and a shirt as yellow as my car. I looked around, but still couldn't find the guy. After a lot of looking, I found the guy. I secretly walked over to him, and he gave me another note. I said thank you, and then went back to my parents and siblings.
                      After we found a taxi that could fit all of us without being crowded, we all sat in it and rode to our hotel. On the way there, I read the note. It read:

                               Miss Nicole Reed, when you go to the beach
                     tomorrow, find the biggest palm tree and
                tap it five times. A portal that stops time will open.
                      Step into it. Your parents will not know
                       that you are gone. The rest will be told
                              to you by the Wizard Officials.
               When we got to our hotel room, the first thing I did was put the note in my suitcase. I took my suitcase and dragged it underneath my bed, and took a shower. When I got out of the shower, I found a couple of books that the person who stayed here before us probably left by accident. They were underneath the bed. There were 4 books. They were: Magic for Dummies, Lost in Magic, Wizard Training for the Young, and Wizard Magic.
                        I opened up Magic for Dummies. There was another note inside of there. This time, the note was in colored note paper, and was not crumpled up. It read:

                               Miss Nicole Reed, You are in training to be a wizard.
       Study these books thoroughly, as you will be tested on these spells.

                        “More tests!?” I exclaimed. Luckily, Mom and Dad were at Denny's, getting some food for us, and Brianna and Max were asleep. They couldn't hear me. “I thought school was over!” I still read through the book, because I love reading. It was also very short. It was easy, and I learned 3 new spells! The first spell turned a stone into a ruby. I just had to say “Rubio Stonisimus”, and the stone would  turn into a ruby. The next spell made things colorful, so if I wanted my black laptop to become pink, I would just need to say “bocolor collisi”.  The last spell was for turning thing bigger. I would need to say “gigantimus nicolus”. They were fun spells, and I had a good time saying them. The hard part was to memorize them, because I don't think they give me the spell to say at the test. That would be like a teacher giving the answers to you on a standardized test.
                              After a while, Mom and Dad came home. I didn't dare tell them about the books, because of what it said in the first note. You mustn't tell anybody about wizards, and their existence. Who knows what would happen if I told anybody, even my parents? I woke Brianna up, but I didn't wake Max up. He was a little kid, and could use the sleep. But Brianna was almost and adult. She should be more responsible, like knowing when to wake up. For me, I have perfect and strict timings. I go to sleep at 9:30 pm, and wake up at 8:00 am. For Brianna, who knows?
                                Mom had a pizza box and a soda bottle in her hand, and Dad had plates and cups.  “Why didn't you get the meals at Denny's?” I asked. I was hungry for Brooklyn Spaghetti and Meatballs, which is the best dish at Denny's. “Denny's isn't here in this location. The closest Denny's is 24 miles away.” Dad said. “And we were really hungry, so we found a pizza shop in the mall by the beach we're going to, tomorrow.” I froze. Did he say beach? I turned white. The note distinctly said that the portal will be at the biggest palm tree at the beach I will be going to, tomorrow. The note was correct! “Are you okay, Sweetie?” Mom asked. I nodded and sat down on my bed. I folded my legs, and asked for a slice of pizza. My mom gave me a plate and a slice. I gobbled it up, but didn't ask for more. I went to bed early, so I could wake up and get ready early. I couldn't wait to become a wizard.
                                   The next morning, I made my family get up early, with me. We arrived at the beach at about noon. Luckily, it was warm enough for a tan and sandcastles. I told my dad that I am going to the stores to buy a souvenir t-shirt, and won't be back for a while. Mom offered to go with me, but I said I wanted to shop alone. When my mom and dad let me go, I went in the direction of the stores. The palm trees were near the stores. When my parents weren't looking, I ran toward the palm trees. The sign said: DO NOT ENTER. TRESPASSERS WILL BE PROSECUTED. I went in anyway. The trees were in rows. I entered the first row. Nothing too big. Then I went into the second row. A little bigger, but not too big. The next row had palm trees that were big and small. After searching a lot, the second palm tree in the 8th row was pretty big. Maybe it was the one. I tapped it five times. A vertical, purple line appeared in front of me. It then widened enough that I could fit into it. I stepped in, and everything turned black. After about 10 seconds, I heard a bell. It sounded like a bell for an elevator, and I knew I had arrived. There was now light all around me.
                                          All of a sudden, I was inside a lab-like chamber. There were test tubes and beakers and all sorts of high tech computer screens. Next to each computer screen, there were some buttons. I went up to the screen in the center of the wall in front of me, and pressed a red button. A little video came up. “Greetings. If you are watching this video, you are selected to become a wizard. To start your test, please press the green button at the corner,” the video said. I nervously pressed the green button. Would I remember the spells? What if I forget! I stared up at the screen. Nothing appeared. Suddenly, another portal opened up. I was directly transferred to another room. When I reached the other room, a man was there to test me.
                     “Are you Miss Nicole Reed?” The man said.
                     “Yes,” I spoke.
                     “You may start your test, now.” The man said.

                                             A table appeared before me. There was a stone, a black glass, and a small ring on the table. “I don't have a wand,” I said. The man ignored me, and just told me to start saying my spells. First, I picked up the stone. I placed it in front of me, and said, “Rubio Stonisimus!” The stone shook around a bit. For a second, I thought it didn't work. But a few seconds later, the stone turned into a ruby. I smiled with joy. Next, I put the black glass in front of me. I closed my eyes, and said, “Bocolor Collisi!” Unlike the stone, the black glass instantly turned into a red glass. Finally, I put the small ring on the table. It probably didn't even fit Max. Closing my eyes, I exclaimed, “Gigantimus Nicolus!” This time, the ring grew a little bit bigger. Then a little bit bigger, then a little bit bigger, until it was big enough to fit a giant's finger. I smiled to myself, then at the man. “Well done Miss Reed. You are on your way to becoming a wizard. I will be giving you a form to fill out, telling us what type of wizard you want to become. You will fill out the form here, then you will receive your wand and cloak.” the man said. I nodded. On the outside, I was acting very mature. But on the inside, I was jumping up and down with happiness!
                             The man gave me the form and a pen. I took at look at the form. Medicine Wizard, Helper Wizard, Animal Wizard, People Wizard, Science Wizard, and Fixer Wizard. So many to choose from! After thinking a lot about which wizard I want to be, I made my decision. “I want  to be a People Wizard.” I said. “Good. Just write your name and mark the bubble next to People Wizard.” The man said. I wrote my name in my best handwriting, and marked the circle next to People Wizard. I handed the form and pen to the man. The man put the form into a machine, and sat down. “What's a people wizard, anyway?” I asked. “A people wizard does spells that involve people, such as turning a bad cook into a good cook, a bad artist into a good artist, and so on.” The man replied.
                                After a few minutes, a black cloak and wand came out. “These are for you,” the man said, handing the cloak and wand to me. “Guard them with your life. The last thing we want, is for somebody to steal them and find out all the spells.” he said. I took the cloak, and wore it. It had my name in-scripted onto the back, in my best handwriting. It must have copied my name on the paper. Next, I took a look at the wand. My name was in-scripted on that, too. I was so excited about becoming a wizard! I jumped up and down. The man laughed. It was the first time I saw him laugh. I hugged him. “Thank you for helping me become a wizard! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I shouted.  The man smiled. “You're welcome.” I got down from him, and started trying out my new wand. I was so happy.  I tucked in my cloak and wand, into a bag at the lab. The man said I could keep it. I forgot about my family, and that I had to get back to them.
                                   I paused. My family? “How do I get home to my family?” I asked. “Oops... I almost forgot!” the Man pushed a button behind him, and off I went.
                                     In about a minute, I was at the palm tree forest. I ran out of the forest, and onto the beach. My parents were outside, sitting on the sand. I ran up to them. “We need to go.” I said.
 “I see you bought a bag,” Mom said. “I thought you were going to buy a souvenir t-shirt.”

“Mom, I'm serious. We need to go, right now.” I said.

“All of a sudden? It's only our first day, here.” Dad said.

“Yeah, and I thought you were very excited about coming here!” Mom exclaimed.

“I know that I said that, but now I'm saying that we need to go. I... I... I feel sick. Very sick, like I'm going to faint. I just threw up on my way back. Please?” I lied.

                                    Mom felt my forehead. Luckily, it was pretty hot. It was probably hot because of the heat, and because I was running. Mom and Dad finally agreed, and we ended up having an extra short vacation, of only 1-and-a quarter days.
                                    The next day, we all got up early to catch our flight. If we wanted to reach home at 12:00, we needed to wake up early. After we all woke up and got ready, Brianna, Max, and I waited in the lobby, while Mom and Dad double-checked to see if we left anything behind. Since I had woken up, Brianna had been glaring at me. I finally turned to her.

 “Why are you glaring at me?! The whole day, today you've been glaring at me. Why?” I asked, a little too rudely.

“YOU are the one who canceled our vacation. Because of YOU, I had to tell my friends that I couldn't text them for a week or two. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?” Brianna exclaimed.

“Keep quiet.” I said.

                               I didn't want to start a physical fight, because Max was right beside us. A little while later, Mom and Dad had come down. “Mom, can you buy a pencil that says Hawaii on it? I promised Joanne that I would buy her a souvenir from Hawaii.” I said. Mom nodded. She told us to stay right here while her and Dad go to the gift shop. After 5 minutes, Mom and Dad were back with a couple of magnets and a pencil. “The magnets are for us, and the pencil is for Joanne.” Mom said. I nodded. We grabbed our bags and headed for the airport. The airport was nearby, so it wasn't a long drive. We took a cab, though. When we got to Honolulu Airport, We went straight to our station. Dad had already booked our plane tickets, so we didn't have to waste time. After all, I was “sick”! Our wait was for only 20 minutes, because we were kind of late. Time flew, and pretty soon we boarded the plane. I sat down and got real comfortable, because 1. I was officially a wizard, and 2. I was going to get a week worth of bedrest, TV, and meals in bed because I was “sick”!
                           When we arrived back home, I was so glad! I jumped up and down on my bed, sang songs, danced around in my pajamas, and had so much fun! But I was still extra careful about my wand and cloak. I really didn't want those things to fall into the wrong hands. I hid my cloak and wand inside my safe in my room (even Mom and Dad don't know the combination). Who knew that a normal summer vacation could change your life?

                                        THE END! (For now...)


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