
Showing posts from May, 2014

How to Make a Super Easy Chocolate Cake

Ingredients: 1 tbsp butter 2 cup sugar 1 3/4 cup all purpose flour 3/4 cup cocoa powder 1 1/2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp salt 2 large eggs (I use Egg Replacer, since I can't eat eggs. You can find this product at Whole Foods Market. Here is the link to it:  ) 1 cup 2% milk 1/2 cup vegetable oil (olive oil also works) 1 cup warm water 2 tsp vanilla extract Directions: In a mixing bowl, mix together all of your ingredients, putting them in one by one. (Start with your butter and work your way down the ingredients list above.) After mixing together until a nice consistency appears, take a cake pan (I use a 9" pan) and grease it with butter, shortening, or cooking/baking spray, so the cake doesn't stick. Pour the batter into the pan. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Because every oven is different, your cake may bake at a different time than mine.  Keep your eye on the cake and as soon as the cake appears to have ri...

My Life (so far!) As a Poem

In December of 2001, Into the world, I had come. Big brown eyes And curly hair, A lot did I look like a bear. When I turned 1, I must admit, I fell asleep when the cake had to be bit. But with any luck, they woke me up, And had me cut the cake, yup! When I was 5, I went to school, Surprisingly it turned out really cool! New things I learned, new friends I made, And when the teacher said, I obeyed. In first grade, did I move, Three different schools, Was I in solitude? No, not at all! It was quite fine, For I had friends and family that were all mine. When I turned six, My birthday party did I pick. Chuck E. Cheese's was my choice, Mostly because the games were nice. And so was the food, But the vegetables? NO! Four years of my life, I did spend, [Of fourth grade] In a school, until the end. How tired was I, although moving was a blast, But to my relief, this move was the last. The last year of Elementary School, Was really sad, but kind of cool! ...

Texting: The Main Problem of Our Society

Do you text? Do you use words like ROFL , LOL , and alright while texting? Many believe that texting is ruining our development of the English language. ( Alright is not even a word, it is actually all right .) Because they are used to writing abbreviations in texts, many people are using words like a lright in their writing. Whom does this affect the most? Students. Students who are using these words to text with might get used to writing their essays in this "text language". This could land the students with bad grades. What's the solution? You can text as much as you want, but you have to keep the abbreviations under control. You shouldn't say things like: "Srry can't come 2nite", when you have the time to write out: "Sorry, I can't come tonight". Some Abbreviations in Text Language  LOL= laugh out loud ROFL= rolling on the floor laughing BRB= be right back BFF= best friend forever 24/7= all the time TMI= too much information...

Top 5: Favorite Books

Here is a list of my top 5 most favorite books! I love to read, so I have many favorites. (not in any specific order) 1. Divergent  by Veronica Roth: This is one of my most favorite books considering I have just finished reading it recently and am VERY interested in sci-fi stories. My favorite character is Four, or Tobias. I would most definitely say that this qualifies for my top three most favorite books ever. (I even took a quiz and it came out to be that if I lived in that dystopian world, I would be Divergent! I could be Erudite, Amity, Abnegation, or Dauntless. However, I am not very brave, so I wouldn't pick Dauntless. I would rather pick Erudite or Amity over Abnegation, because Abnegation sounds like a pretty boring life to me.) 2. White Dolphin  by Gill Lewis: I am currently reading this book, and I appreciate it a lot! I have just started yesterday and am on Chapter 3 so far. I love how this story takes place on a shore next to the ocean, because I really li...

Top 5: Best iPhone Apps Ever

Have you been wondering which app to get? Well have no fear, the list of apps is HERE!!! (the apps are listed in no specific order) 1) Google Translate: This is a great app if you are traveling. It is also fun to see how you say certain phrases in different languages. This is a very education and fun app that I would highly recommend. 2) Notability: This is a great note-taking app in which you can just doodle for fun or take notes or even write stories on! It works great with a stylus or with just your finger. 3) Quick Math: This has to be my most favorite app ever! Made for adults and children alike, this is a great app which offers a rich learning experience. You have a certain amount of math problems to solve and you may take your time. It tracks your progress in the form of a chart as you go on, telling you if you are improving or not. There are four different levels- Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Extreme. 4) Draw Something: This is a drawing game you can play ...

Mother's Day Poem By: Kashika Bharol

I Love You... Because all you do, You do with love. You are so special, You're a gift from above. And with all my heart I want to say, I love you, Mom, Happy Mother's Day!