How To Be Successful At Everything You Do (Top 5)

Thank you all so much for 7k! It means so much!

1) Have a positive attitude. Even if you've been assigned the most boring project in the world at work/school, think of it positively. Think about the good aspects of the project. There are always some. Also, think about the outcomes of finishing the project. You might get a good grade (if you're in school), or you might even earn a reward. Just remember, though, don't always expect an award for everything that you do. Most of the time, the reward is simply internal satisfaction.

2) Work diligently and hard. This is just a part of human nature, that the harder a person works on something, the better it turns out to be. And in the end? Well, you've put your blood, sweat, and tears into this project. After it's completed, you feel amazing. You feel as if you've done your best work. You feel you're going to get a promotion. Working hard not only raises self-esteem, but it also improves work habits because it gets you into the habit of trying your best at everything. In jobs and colleges, a hard worker is what they're looking for.

3) Be respectful, no matter what. Nothing makes a person angrier than someone disrespecting them. No matter how annoying they are, or how rude they are, be respectful and nice. Trust me, this has gotten me through a lot of situations. They nicer you are, the better you appear to be to other people. Also, being nicer puts you in a better mood, making everything you do for the rest of the day 100 times better.

4) Surround yourself with people who you aim to be like. Haven't you ever heard the saying that you become who your friends are? Well, it's true! The people who you're around the most have the most influence on you. You start to look forward to them (unknowingly), and eventually become just like them. Sounds kinda creepy, right? (lol) Anyway, so yeah. Just surround yourself with people who you aspire to be like, and you will eventually gain their habits.

5) Be patient. Have patience, little grasshopper. I can't really say much for this, except for that you need to be patient with everything you are doing. Even the greatest, most hardworking people didn't gain their good qualities in one day.


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