
Showing posts from 2016

How To Be Successful At Everything You Do (Top 5)

Thank you all so much for 7k! It means so much! 1) Have a positive attitude.  Even if you've been assigned the most boring project in the world at work/school, think of it positively. Think about the good aspects of the project. There are always some. Also, think about the outcomes of finishing the project. You might get a good grade (if you're in school), or you might even earn a reward. Just remember, though, don't always expect an award for everything that you do. Most of the time, the reward is simply internal satisfaction. 2) Work diligently and hard.  This is just a part of human nature, that the harder a person works on something, the better it turns out to be. And in the end? Well, you've put your blood, sweat, and tears into this project. After it's completed, you feel amazing. You feel as if you've done your best work. You feel you're going to get a promotion. Working hard not only raises self-esteem, but it also improves work habits because...

Top 5: Favorite Apps 2016! + 7k FOLLOWERS!!!

Thank you so much for 7k!!! It means so much to me! It's been a while since I've done one of these. So why not?! :) These apps are all free to download, but payments may be required in some of them later on. 1) Freegal Music:  Literally, FREE MUSIC. For having a library card! How cool is that? All you need to do is download the app (of course) select your library and sign in with your library card number/pin. This is a completely free, legal, and safe app, and it is made by the libraries. You get five free song/music video downloads per week. These are all NEW songs! On my Samsung phone, the songs get automatically transferred to my phone's music library. You just need to have a library card. 2) Sweet Talk by Juicy Fruit:  Yes, the bubble gum company. This is just a silly and fun app which you can play around with with your friends. You select a video and hold the phone up to your mouth. The video will start to play and a mouth will be depicted saying something...


I just want to thank you all who regularly visit my blog. It means a lot! We recently hit 6.5k! Maybe at 7k I'll have a special post! :)) Just as an update, I wanted to get it out there that I am creating a Youtube channel called HeyIt'sDIY. I have finished the editing for most of the video; I just have to finish the rest. I should have my first video up by this week, if not, then definitely before the end of next week. You guys should go and check it out!