
Showing posts from August, 2016

Top 5: Favorite Apps 2016! + 7k FOLLOWERS!!!

Thank you so much for 7k!!! It means so much to me! It's been a while since I've done one of these. So why not?! :) These apps are all free to download, but payments may be required in some of them later on. 1) Freegal Music:  Literally, FREE MUSIC. For having a library card! How cool is that? All you need to do is download the app (of course) select your library and sign in with your library card number/pin. This is a completely free, legal, and safe app, and it is made by the libraries. You get five free song/music video downloads per week. These are all NEW songs! On my Samsung phone, the songs get automatically transferred to my phone's music library. You just need to have a library card. 2) Sweet Talk by Juicy Fruit:  Yes, the bubble gum company. This is just a silly and fun app which you can play around with with your friends. You select a video and hold the phone up to your mouth. The video will start to play and a mouth will be depicted saying something...