
Showing posts from October, 2014

Special Post! (Celebration of 2000+ pageviews!)

Okay... so here's my special post, are you ready??? MY NEW BOOK SERIES!!! (It's kinda short, though)                                                                           Wizard                                                                  By: Kashika Bharol ========================================================================      “We're going to Hawaii!” The more I heard those words, the more excited I got. Even saying those words made me feel extra stimulated about our summer vacation. I had planned everything. Everyday before summer vacation when I got home from school, I'd start packing my suitcase, and I...

Announcements and Updates!!!

Hello readers! Be sure to check out my Youtube channel, called Kaybeetle, and subscribe to it! I'm sure you'll love it. Thank you so much for 1780+ pageviews from all over the world! Keep it up! Let's try to reach 2000+, for a special post !!! Oh, and lastly, be sure to follow me on Blogger! I don't know if some readers are following my blog anonymously or not, but please try to not follow my blogs anonymously, so I can stay up-to-date on how often to blog and see if readers are viewing my blog or not. Thanks!         -Kaybeetle