Cesar Estrada Chavez was an activist who was born on March 31, 1927 near Yuma, Arizona in his family's small home in the North Gila River Valley. He was the second of five children, and was named after his grandfather, Cesario. Chavez was born to parents who taught him important ideas about hard work, the importance of education, and respect. As a young boy, Chavez worked on his family’s farm feeding and watering the animals, collecting eggs, and bringing water to the house. At age 11, Chavez' family lost their home during the Great Depression, causing him and his family to become migrant farm workers. Throughout his youth and into his adulthood, Chavez traveled around California working in the fields, orchards, and vineyards. This was where he was exposed to the true injustices and hardships of a farm worker's life. Chavez joined the U.S. Navy in 1946, in the aftermath of World War II, and served in the Western Pacific. He returned from the service in 1948 to marr...