
Showing posts from 2019

How to Survive Freshman Year of High School: Goal-Setting

I am going to be a senior in high school this year, and thought I'd start a series of short posts where I give advice for current/future high school students. Today's post is about practicing goal-setting to be successful! One of the most beneficial things you can do to help yourself succeed both academically and socially in all four years of high school, is to create goals. From my experiences of setting goals and deadlines for myself, I have concluded that the most primary formula for success by goal-setting, is: Main Focuses + Fixed Focuses + Hard Work = Academic and Social Enrichment This is an extremely versatile formula that will help you in all areas of high school life. Main focuses are long-term goals, and are generally tasks which you want to accomplish over the course of the year to come. An example of a main focus could be getting 95% or above in all classes. Fixed focuses are short-term goals; they are specific tasks which you aim to complete in the n...

Animals Rights: The Fight for Justice

 A Research Paper Written by Kashika Bharol _____ Human interaction with animals is an important aspect of living in modern society. However, we have placed a stratification amongst animals, favoring only those with which we connect, and ignoring those which are not well treated and respected. Just as humans, animals require humane treatment and affection, and do not deserve to be exploited, neglected, abused, or ignored. To defend basic privileges, animals must have a Bill of Rights to guarantee their welfare. Humans, as beings with higher-level abilities of function, have a duty of respecting and protecting those who cannot advocate for themselves. Numerous arguments and instances support this philosophy. _____ Animals undergo feelings of pain, just as humans do. However, due to common belief in the theory that animals are mere objects, there has been an increase of substantial torture and death in animals- especially through scientific experimentation. Num...